Android-based cloud gaming solution with NVIDIA GPUs and Anbox Cloud

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Video gamers are a large and ever-growing part of our culture. Today, the player is an active participant in a game’s narrative. A good game not only departs from reality but also offers entrance to a new one. Players gain competency, taking ‘rewards’ for resolving the tasks or ascending to a new challenging level. Today, the myriad benefits of cloud gaming are driving the growth of the gaming market even further. These benefits include:

  • Accessibility – the only preconditions are Internet connectivity and registration to the cloud service provider.
  • Diversity - gamers get access to a wide range of game genres.
  • Community - groups of gamers with similar preferences can share experiences and participate in joint actions.
  • Affordability - people can get into gaming at a much lower cost of entry.

The transformation of customer devices into connected terminals provides tactile benefits for both players and cloud gaming providers. Accordingly, gaming evolution from local devices to the cloud is recognised as a priority by gaming companies and telecommunications operators. The availability of modern cloud services is bringing new value and gaining more importance for the gaming industry, which is establishing novel interactive and social entertainment platforms for consumers worldwide. Cloud gaming evolved from modest hardware supporting simple games to high–fidelity platforms capable of providing new experiences in the most demanding games. Today, cloud gaming supports not only the most visually demanding games, but also competitive esports titles that incorporate gaming concepts requiring teamwork, role playing, and social interactions .

Supported by the three strong pillars of gaming, mobility, and Android, and their provisioning of an innovative landscape, all preconditions have been met to create something new and big in cloud gaming development - custom tailored to the modern customer’s needs. Although there may be other available solutions in the market, Anbox Cloud stands out with its unique approach and optimised platform that fits all types of Android end-devices, without any dependencies. Anbox Cloud has gained even more market appeal for its strong integration with hardware components that are specifically needed for gaming, such as GPUs from NVIDIA, the industry leader.

The objective of this white paper is to present a joint, efficient cloud-gaming solution from Canonical and NVIDIA that provides customers with an easy-to-use scaling software and hardware stack. This white paper is ideal for anyone interested in cloud gaming in the Android environment, as it clarifies how the most important problems in this domain are systemically resolved by Canonical and NVIDIA.

This paper provides an in-depth look at the ecosystem, proven NVIDIA GPUs, Anbox Cloud from Canonical. This hardware and software collaboration by NVIDIA and Canonical introduces new perspectives in the Android in the Cloud (AIC) domain, which apply to a wide spectrum of potential use cases.

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