Cloud and Server

All you need to know about designing, building and managing your Openstack private cloud, Kubernetes cluster or Ubuntu Server scale‑out deployment.

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Cloud and Server

Kernel Team Summary- June 8, 2017

by Canonical on 8 June 2017

Introduction This newsletter is to provide a status update from the Ubuntu Kernel Team. There will also be highlights provided for any interesting subjects...

Cloud and Server

Canonical Kernel Livepatch Service now available for Ubuntu 14.04 LTS!

by Canonical on 6 June 2017

We are pleased to announce that we have extended our Canonical Kernel Livepatch Service to users running Ubuntu 14.04 LTS! The Canonical Kernel Livepatch...

Cloud and Server

Kubernetes webinar series

by Canonical on 2 June 2017

We have recently broadcasted a series of live webinars on Kubernetes, covering a range of practical topics you will come across when evaluating and...

Cloud and Server

Customising MAAS installs

by Canonical on 2 June 2017

by Matt Jarvis, Consulting Architect at Canonical Canonical’s MAAS is a bare metal provisioning and lifecycle management system. In this post, we’ll look at...

Cloud and Server gets your code ready to distribute in minutes

by Thibaut Rouffineau on 30 May 2017

The public beta release of is now open! is an easy and free to use platform for publishing your software to the tens of...

Cloud and Server

Redefining the Developer Event

by Alexia Emmanoulopoulou on 24 May 2017

By Randall Ross, Ubuntu Evangelist We’ve all been to “those other” developer events: Sitting in a room watching a succession of never-ending slide...

Cloud and Server

Hacking Through Machine Learning at the OpenPOWER Developer Congress

by Alexia Emmanoulopoulou on 23 May 2017

By Sumit Gupta, Vice President, IBM Cognitive Systems 10 years ago, every CEO leaned over to his or her CIO and CTO and said, “we got to figure out big data.”...

Cloud and Server

PCCW Global chooses Ubuntu OpenStack and Juju

by Canonical on 11 May 2017

PCCW Global plans expansion to deliver enterprise, edge applications, NFV and IoT enablement to customers Integrated Canonical and CPLANE NETWORKS solution...

Cloud and Server

Canonical and Qualcomm: delivering unprecedented scaling

by Canonical on 9 May 2017

Canonical has been one of the earliest visionary stalwarts igniting and driving early market enablement for 64-bit ARM server compute. With the commercial...

Cloud and Server

Consortium GARR creates countrywide Federated Canonical OpenStack

by Canonical on 9 May 2017

GARR, Italy’s leading research and education network consortium, manages a fully owned fibre optic network of 15,000 Km dedicated to Italian Research and...

Cloud and Server
Cloud and Server

Canonical’s support for Kubernetes 1.6.2 released

by Marco Ceppi on 4 May 2017

We’re proud to announce support for Kubernetes 1.6.2 in the Canonical Distribution of Kubernetes and the Kubernetes Charms. This is a pure upstream...